Knight Street
Multi-Age Learning
Knight Street Multi-Age Learning Committee
Knight Street Multiage Learning have created a parent committee that is fully online. This had been done through a private facebook group. Our decision behind making it online was to enable all our parents the opportunity to participate if they wish. The online group allows parents to participate in discussion and makes suggestions to many aspects of our service throughout their childs time at KSMAL.
We are always open to new suggestions and looking for members to join the group.
In 2024 we are looking for parents that wish to have input on:
- Policies & Procedures
- Fundraising ideas to further support our plan to update our kitchen
- Mothers Day & Fathers Day celebration ideas
- Event ideas and input
- Menu Ideas
- Plus any other suggestions you may have for our service
If you currently have a child enrolled at our service & would like to join our Parent Committee Page, please click the link below: