Knight Street
Multi-Age Learning
Hours Of Operation
Knight Street Multi-Age Learning operates Monday to Friday from 6:30 AM to 6:00PM.
We are closed for all gazetted public holidays.
Fee Information 2024
The following information is general information regarding payment of centre fees.
Fees for the two week’s attendance are due and payable on the first day of attendance at the centre and thereafter your account should be kept in advance. Fees are paid by OWNA app on a strict fortnightly schedule. Fees are to be paid for all days in advance. Should your account fall into arrears, the accounts manager will make arrangements through a payment plan for you to bring your account up to date.
If the full amount is not paid on or before the date given the accounts manager will refer the matter to management and your child’s place will be jeopardised.Cases of genuine hardship need to be referred to management for a decision to be made regarding payment arrangements and/or Special Childcare Benefit.
Any queries about accounts are to be emailed to info@knightstreetmultiage.com.au
Current Fees
LDC $143 Per Day
KINDER $143 Per Day (Long Day Care Session)
3 YEAR OLD KINDER $143 Per Day (Long Day Care Session)